

Âge: 26
Experience: 7 an
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Chimie générale, Chimie inorganique, Chimie organique, Chimie physique, Chimie analytique
La génétique, Évolution, Écologie, Biologie comportementale, Biologie cellulaire, Métabolisme, Immunologie, Neurobiologie
Mécanique, Optique, Thermodynamique, Magnétisme, Physique nucléaire
Langues enseignées: English

Mes qualifications

- GCSEs in English, Maths, Triple Science, French, IT, History, RE (A-B)

- A-Levels in Chemistry, Sociology and Biology (A,B,B)

- Bachelors in Chemistry with Chemical Engineering

- PGCE and QTS qualified with GORSE SCITT


My teaching methods involve around Rosenshines core principles such as factual recall, scaffolding (I do, we do, you do), active questioning and independent tasks. My experience involves working in 8 different secondary schools with a variety of ability levels in the past 4 years. I have tutored for over 3 years in an organisation called upgrade academy. My specialisation is predominantly Chemistry however I have taught Chemistry, Physics and Biology to GCSE level. I am very easygoing and want the best for my students, I can tailor my lessons to any ability level and can design revision timetables for the best results. I can also identify weaknesses in students and work with them to overcome any difficulty in Science. Additionally, I invisage the importance of daily revision and adopting a growth mindset. Additionally, I stress the importance of GCSEs and I also give advice on how students can pass their Mathematic and English examinations with ease.


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