

Âge: 22
Experience: 6 an
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Trigonométrie, Géométrie, GMAT Quantitative, Algèbre, Algèbre linéaire, SAT Math Test
Mécanique, Thermodynamique, Grandeurs physiques, concepts, tâches, GCSE Physics (Single Science)
Phonétique, SAT, Lecture
École maternelle, École primaire, Lycée, Classe de sixième, Université
Langues enseignées: English, Russian

Mes qualifications

Russian university named after Bauman- Rocket engines engineering Participant of various teacher training courses, winner of Olympiads in mathematics and physics.


Hello, my name is Arthur and I am a tutor in mathematics and physics. For 4 years now, I have been preparing students for state exams, improving academic performance at school, and also helping with the higher mathematics program at universities. My students get high scores in exams and good/excellent grades in school, depending on the entry level they come to me with. In addition to preparing for important state exams, I also help you learn the school curriculum correctly from scratch or with large gaps. If you are familiar with: 1) You feel that you can fail important exams; 2) You do not understand the teacher or your teacher at school/university well; 3) Low academic performance; I will help you solve these and many other problems. Briefly about me: • 4 years at the Association of Tutors; • Graduate course specialist at Bauman Moscow State Technical University, specializing in the Design of Aircraft and Rocket Engines; • Participant of various teacher training courses, winner of Olympiads in mathematics and physics. • I have my own developed methodological materials for teaching in the disciplines that I teach. Still in doubt? Sign up for a free trial lesson for 45 minutes, where you will already receive a step-by-step plan to eliminate gaps and begin to gradually understand the subject.


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