

Âge: 32
Experience: 11 an
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École primaire, Lycée
Langues enseignées: English, Sinhala

Mes qualifications

I grew and raised in Sri Lanka until I finished my bachelor's degree. I finished my higher education at Holy Family Convent in Bambalapitiya, Colombo, Sri Lanka. After completing my Advanced Level GCSE education, I chose teaching as a vocation, and while teaching, I earned my Bachelors degree in Humanities with Sociology, Mass Communication, and Christianity as my major. After completing my bachelors at Aquinas Institute of Higher Education in Sri Lanka, I began working as a World and Qatar History teacher in a school in Qatar. And I'm presently pursuing a Masters degree at Nottingham Trent University in the United Kingdom.


I'm a experienced educator who is friendly, dedicated, enthusiastic, and skilled in adapting to students’ diverse learning styles with a solid commitment to the students’ wellbeing. I have been working as a teacher in Sri Lanka for around 5 years and in Qatar for 4 years. I'm specialized in teaching Art and History. I want to make History more engaging for pupils, thus I employ approaches such as quizzes and games. Teaching efficient memory skills for responses to questions. Making brief notes on the subject makes it more interesting to learn. For the Art subject, I would assist students in developing their own talents and guiding them with new patterns to exhibit their work in accordance with their style.


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