

Âge: 48
Experience: 10 an
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Lycée, Classe de sixième, Stagiaire, Université, Adultes
Langues enseignées: Spanish

Mes qualifications

Grado en español: Lengua y Literatura. Máster en Lengua y Literatura española con especialización en ELE


I studied Spanish Language and Literature at the University of Burgos. Then, I studied a master’s degree at the University of Jaén, specializing in LE.

I love the Spanish language and for me it has been very important in my life and in my personal evolution.

In addition, I have worked in different companies and occupations throughout my career. As an administrator, purchasing technician, private Spanish teacher, copywriter, editor, and proof-reader of texts in Spanish.

I love to write. I published my first novel last December.

Also, I have always tried to improve my skills and work hard for them. I am a communicative and sociable person. I think some of my best skills are resilience, tenacity, and the ability to work. I consider myself a versatile person and I always try to achieve new goals.

My teaching style is direct, and I prefer to teach with games, activities, videos, music, films, and practice examples. I think that the learning can be funny and entertainment. I prefer the communicative and collaborative teaching.


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