

Âge: 34
Experience: 7 an
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Cours d'essai gratuit
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Chimie générale, Chimie inorganique, Chimie organique
Évolution, Écologie, Biologie cellulaire
École primaire, Lycée
Langues enseignées: English, Urdu

Mes qualifications

Doctor of pharmacy from University of the punjab and IELTs from british council


My name is Abeeha Tariq and I have completed my eduction in pharmacy from University of the Punjab. Teaching is my passion and I believe every student deserves an exceptional learning experience. I want to be a part of that growing experience. With my education and 5 years experience in teaching chemistry, science and biology, i have hined my skills to create comprehensive lesson plans, tailor teaching methods according to individual learning styles and provide constructive feedback to the students. I tend to communicate with my students and let them share thwir issues regarding the topics and subjects and make it easy by giving real life examples that are relatable.


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